The Space Play Guide
The Space Play Guide

The Space Play Guide


Are all pixels NFTs?
Each pixel will be minted as an NFT. The NFT will be burnt when they are recovered by the system due to the inability to clear the tax.
What is $SPACE?
$SPACE is an ERC-20 token issued for The Space that will be used for pixel trading, taxation, UBI distribution, etc.
Read for more details.
How to get $SPACE?
  • Buy $SPACE through Uniswap with USDC, wETH, MATIC, etc.
      1. Connect your ETH wallet
      1. Switch to Polygon network
      1. Select a token you want to pay
      1. Click “Swap” to buy $SPACE
      You may need to import $SPACE manually since $SPACE has not passed the listing threshold of Uniswap yet. Please make sure the contract address you import is: 0x264808855b0a6A5a318D238C6ee9F299179f27FC
How to add $SPACE in MetaMask?
  • You can add $SPACE in MetaMask by Import tokens (at the bottom of MetaMask Extension). Copy and paste $SPACE token address 0x264808855b0a6a5a318d238c6ee9f299179f27fc .
  • Or you can add $SPACE on Claim $SPACE Page by clicking Add $SPACE to MetaMask on the official website.
What is Due Tax?
Due Tax is the unpaid tax for a pixel, which is accumulated based on a certain tax rate.
When is the tax clearance required?
There are 3 circumstances where tax clearance is executed.
  • When the owner of a pixel set a new price
  • When a pixel is traded
What if the owner does not have enough balance to pay for the tax?
The pixel will be defaulted (burned).
What is Acc. Income? How to get my income?
Acc. Income is the accumulation of Universal Basic Income (UBI) for each pixel. If you are the owner of a pixel, you can click “Collect Income” to get your income.
Read About Universal Basic Income section of for details.
I noticed this is a Harberger Tax experiment. What is Harberger Tax?
  • Harberger Tax is a property rule, also known as “Partial Common Ownership (PCO)”.
  • Under this rule, all properties in the market (which are pixels in The Space) are always on sale.
  • The current owner can set any price for the property but he/she needs to pay tax on a certain percentage of the price.
  • In other words, when the owner set a high price for the property (pixel in The Space), it is harder for other market participants to buy that property, but the owner also needs to pay more tax.
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How to play


Before start to play, you need to install a crypto wallet, we recommend MetaMask. Remember to install browser extension on your PC to get the best experience.
Then we need some $MATIC (0.5 is enough) and $SPACE tokens. You can buy $MATIC in major crypto exchanges. You can receive $SPACE token from airdrop or buy them on Uniswap. Remember switching to Polygon network before transferring these two tokens into your wallet.
You can also get $SPACE token by using SWAP function on MetaMask with $MATIC or $USDC. Remember you manually import $SPACE token first.
Plz make sure the contract address you import is:0x264808855b0a6A5a318D238C6ee9F299179f27FC
notion image

Enter the game

After completing preparation, you can enter The Space. Click “connect wallet” first and Metamask will pop out from your right top side of browser, choose “connect”. If you have switched to polygon network, choose “Switch to Polygon” first.
Switch to Polygon network.
Switch to Polygon network.
Then, click “Approve Your $SPACE” and click “sign” in your wallet. The dashboard will show “My Wallet / Balance”, which means you allow The Space to use your $SPACE tokens.
Approve The Space to use your $SPACE tokens.
Approve The Space to use your $SPACE tokens.
Complete approve.
Complete approve.

Start to play

Click any pixel, you can see the details of the pixel, including price, due tax and income.
You can set the new price and color for any pixel paying with $SPACE and little $MATIC for gas fee, then the pixel belongs to you. If you own a pixel, you may click “Collect Income” to get your UBI share. Don’t forget the higher price you set, the more tax you need to pay.
Because each pixel is a NFT, every time a pixel is traded, the buyer has to sign the contract. You may click multiple pixels first and sign the contract later.
The current information of a pixel.
The current information of a pixel.
Set the new price, then pay and buy!
Set the new price, then pay and buy!

Video Demo

Video preview

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The Space 用戶指南